Wednesday, September 9, 2015

#2 "The hermanas in my room"

Hey everyone!  I can not believe it is already my next p day.  

The CCM is literally the most wonderful place on earth. Everyday is just better than the next because you are able to let the Spirit take control of you more and more everyday. 

My mom wants me to talk about the other Hermanas in my room so I will.  My compañera is Hermana Cloward who is the sweetest of all the sweets.  She is serving in Tempe as well, which is such a tender mercy for me.  She is from Grantsville utah, which is where the Forever Strong was filmed.  She is pretty proud of that hahah.  She is trying to convince me to go to a country concert with her when we get home.  Not happening.  Hermana Huxford is from Indiana, and she is serving in the Salt Lake City Mission.  How cray is that!! she is the coolest and has two different colored eyes.  We always sing together, but she is alot better than me.  I joined the choir because of her this week which if you have heard me sing, you will understand why everyone laughs at me.  Hermana Kynaston is from Draper Utah just around the mountain from us.  Mom she goes to J Crew all the time and said she has seen you before. We always talk about the funny vines that we use to watch.  We like to think we are pretty funny.  As for the rest of my district we are closer than ever.  We had family home evening the other night.  Elder Lopez went home last week sadly, but he sent us donuts so we celebrated.  If you look really close in the picture you can see one of our teachers.  He is the funniest little guy.  Also Hermana Norton and Hermana Batty are the best sisters in the CCM.  We celebrated Hermana Norton´s birthday this week with our zone and costco cake.  Who know Mexico had a Costco??

So I have an announcement... We have two baptisms this week!! Well... kind of haha.  Our investigators are actually fake, and they are our teachers.  But we got both of them to commit to baptism. There is no better feeling to see the people you teach grow closer to the Savior.  I am not going to lie, being a missionary is hard.  Sometimes it seems like we go through so many trials all day.  But the reward of seeing the light of Christ grow in someone else is so rewarding.  I´m choking up just thinking about it.  I am such a baby.  

Also Sunday´s in the CCM are the most amazing things.  We had fast and testimony meeting this week, and guess what?  I was brave enough to bare my testimony IN ESPAÑOL.  Cue the applause.  Thank you thank you everyone.  Even though it was very simple, the spirit was so strong.  Learning a language is hard, but the gift of tongues is so real.  Not only have I been able to understand the Spanish language more and more, but I am understanding the voice of the spirit.  There are way to many experiences this week that followed a prompting and the consequence of it was amazing.  I will have to tell you another time. Sorry.  But we all could use the gift of tongues is all I have to say.  


So the food still tastes bad, but I am learning how to just eat without tasting anything.  I also might live off of peanut butter and nutella sandwiches.  I don´t know.  Also We watched this video about stress management this week, and this cute little hispanic guy was like (read in nacho libre voice) " to stop stress I uh, move my head.  And I uh stretch my foots. "  I don´t know about you guys but I thought that was hilarious.  Also remember Ivan? Well like I said, we found out he is now our teacher.  On out last lesson we decided to give him a card telling him how much we love him.  Hermana Kynaston is an artist so her card was seriously amazing, our card however was a little more simple, and I have have written it with my left hand.  When i asked him later if he liked it he said, " uh si, pero it looked like a niño drew it."  How rude.  hahah It is ok I still love Ivan.

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